Learn today for the children of tomorrow
Join Meimasai, a worldwide Mishnah movement — uniting lomdim, supporters and couples struggling with infertility. The entire Shas Mishnayos will be completed every day for dedicated zechusim, and to support ATIME’s services.
What is Meimasai?
Meimasai is a project of ATIME, serving as a beacon of support and hope to couples struggling with infertility — with lomdim completing the entire Shas Mishnayos every day in the zechus of new neshamos entering this world. Together, we celebrate. Participants gain access to daily siyumim (celebrations) held in locations around the world, featuring guest appearances from celebrity singers, prominent rabbanim, and community leaders.
וזרח השמש ובא השמש
Threading together the past, present, and future legacy of Klal Yisrael — individuals are invited to dedicate and sponsor siyumim in the memory of a loved one, in honor of a recovery or to bring blessings home.
How can you take part?
Meimasai offers you a beautiful opportunity to learn Mishnayos with added meaning, advancing your Torah study while adding light to Klal Yisrael. All it takes is a moment a day to make an immeasurable impact.
Sign up to learn daily Mishnayos of your choice.
Receive your daily portion of Mishnayos in your inbox.
Celebrate the daily completion of Shas Mishnayos and enjoy your zechusim.

Sign up for zechusim
Channel the merits of Mishnayos study every single day with the opportunity to dedicate a siyum for a personal zechus or in honor or memory of a loved one, while supporting ATIME’s crucial services.
Dedicate a Mishnah, Mesechta or a full siyum for a zechus of your choice.
Receive the details of the siyum you contributed towards and take part – in person, or virtually.
Follow the impact of your donation with a personalized memento about ATIME’s work.
A Worldwide Mishnah Movement
Meimasai is proud to globally unite lomdim, couples, and supporters to share in the zechusim the Torah brings.
The continuity of Klal Yisrael is in your hands.
Your impact and zechusim will be immeasurable.